You've sold your home! Congratulations. Now the buyer has scheduled an inspection. What can you, as the seller do to make the inspection go smoothly?
1. Don't be there. This may seem obvious, but often sellers just can't seem to pull themselves away from the inspection process. It makes for an uncomfortable situation for all involved, so don't do it. You've worked hard on the house, but it's a house and all houses have things wrong with them. The inspector is being paid by the buyers to point out flaws, so there is no way you'll enjoy hearing this. I often have to call buyers to have a private conversation with them because I couldn't when I was at the house. This does not play well in the scenario of their comfort; many times they believe the seller is trying to "hide" something from them. Prepare the house as best you can and let things take their course.
I'll follow this post up with more things to make the inspection go smoothly.